
2010年6月6日 星期日

B2L8 Channel Tunnel (英倫海底隧道)


1. For many years, England and France wanted to link their two countries with a train tunnel under the English Channel.(見第1行)
(1) for+時間或距離,表示一段時間或距離。
例:She waited for years before her husband came back. 她等待多年才等到丈夫歸來。
 We drove for miles to find a place to stay overnight.我們開了好幾哩路,找尋一個可以過夜的地方。

(2) under prep. 在……下面

a. 一般(位置)在……以下時:below和under皆可
In Taiwan, many parks are located by a river, below/under a bridge.

b. 水平位置低於……時:below
Geographically speaking, Mexico is located below the United States.

c. 完全覆蓋在……的下面時:under
Children put red envelopes under their pillows on Chinese New Year’s eve.

2. The tunnel would have to be 50 kilometers long----one of the longest in the world. (見第4行)
50 kilometers long為一形容詞片語做主詞補語用,修飾the tunnel。

例:The board is three meters long, and two meters wide. 這個板子三公尺長,兩公尺寬。
This borer can dig 75 meters deep in a day. 這台鑽孔機一天可以挖七十五公尺深。

3. But more importantly, it would have to be safe.(見第5行)

例:After getting married, he lived more happily than before.
除非副詞和形容詞同形,則比較級加er,常見的有:early, fast, late, hard, long, high等。

4. Since much of the tunnel would be underwater, an accident inside the tunnel could be a disaster. (見第7行)
(1) Since + S1 + V1 ..., S2 + V2 .... 既然/因為……
Since he is eighteen, he has the right to vote. 既然他十八歲了,他就有投票權。
The distance between England and France becomes shorter since there is Channel Tunnel.

(a) conj. 自從……
例:Since George met Mary for the first time, he has fallen in love with her. 自從喬治第一次遇見瑪麗,他就愛上她。

(b) prep. 自從……
例:I have been living in Keelung since last year. 從去年開始,我就一直住在基隆。

(2) much指稱一樣事物之中的大部分
例:Much of the railroad station was flooded. 火車站大部份都淹水了。
        Books occupy much of my desk.  書佔據了我桌子的一大部份。

(3) can在這裡與「能力」無關,是在表達一種「可能性」及典型的狀況。
例:Eating disorders can cause various illnesses.
        Walking around a graveyard at night can be very frightening.

5. In between these two tunnels is a smaller tunnel, which is used by railroad workers. (見第11行)
(1) 原為A smaller tunnel is in between these two tunnels .... 為了跟文中上一句的主語Two of the tunnels are for trains語氣連貫,故將其所在之介系詞片語In between these two tunnels移前,並作倒裝(主詞a smaller tunnel與動詞is顛倒)。

介系詞片語/副詞片語 + V + S
In between England and France is the English Channel.
Across the English Channel goes the Channel Tunnel.

(2) which 帶出一形容詞子句,補充敘述先行詞a smaller tunnel。此為補述用法(continuative) ,先行詞後先逗號再帶出形容詞子句,其關係代名詞=連接詞+代名詞,此句即In between these two tunnels is a smaller tunnel, and it is used by railroad workers.

例:He loved her, who did not love him. = He loved her, but she did not love him.

6. This smaller tunnel can also be used to get people out if there is an accident. (見第12行)
(1) 比較非正式的用法 (informal use) 裡,get 可用以表示改變受詞的位置,意指「讓……,把……」。

例:The residents are busy getting their stuffs out.  居民們忙著清出東西。
        Go get your hat on.  去把帽子戴上。

(2) if在這裡是普通時態的用法,跟假設語氣無關。
例:Do you mind if I open the window?
       If you were at home, why didn’t you answer the door?

5. The Channel Tunnel was built by two teams of workers digging from both sides of the Channel. (見第14行)

分詞片語digging from both sides of the Channel修飾名詞workers。此分詞片語亦可視為由形容詞子句who dug from both sides of the Channel轉化而來(去掉關係代名詞,並且將主動形式的動詞變為現在分詞)。即:

The Channel Tunnel was built by two teams of workers who dug from both sides of the Channel.
→ The Channel Tunnel was built by two teams of workers digging from both sides of the Channel.

N + V-ing
They built a bridge, linking the two towns.  他們蓋了一座橋連接兩個鄉鎮。
That man carrying the child away from the burning building should be honored as a hero.

6. They used huge machines, called “borers,” which could dig 75 meters a day. (見第20行)

(1) 分詞片語called “borers” 修飾名詞machines。此分詞片語亦可視為由形容詞子句which are called “borers”轉化而來(去掉關係代名詞,並且將被動形式的動詞變為過去分詞)。即:

They used huge machines, which are called “borers,” ....
→ They used huge machines, called “borers,” ....

N + p.p.
England and France are separated by a strait of water, called “English Channel.”
England and France are linked by a tunnel, called “Channel Tunnel.
The Channel Tunnel, built by more than 10,000 people, is one of the longest tunnels in the world.

(2) 形容詞子句which could dig 75 meters a day修飾名詞borers。

7. The amount of rock and dirt removed by these machines increased the size of Britain by 36 hectares! (見第21行)

(1) 分詞片語removed by these machines修飾名詞rock and dirt。此分詞片語亦可視為由形容詞子句which was removed by these machines轉化而來。
The amount of rock and dirt which was removed by these machines increased ....
→ The amount of rock and dirt removed by these machines increased ....

(2) by 36 hectares 的介系詞by可表示「至於……程度」。
例:The large amount of rock increased the weight of the truck by 1,000 pounds.
        John is taller than Mary by 20 centimeters. 約翰比瑪麗高二十公分。

8. By the time the Channel Tunnel opened in 1994, almost 13,000 people had worked on the project. (見第24行)

by the time帶出一時間副詞子句,意指「在……之前;不晚於……」,by the time子句裡的動詞常用簡單過去式,而主要子句裡的動詞發生時間較早,故用過去完成式。

By the time S + 簡單過去式V ..., S + 過去完成式V ....

By the time the project of Channel Tunnel was carried out, people had wished for a train tunnel linking England and France for two centuries.

By the time he offered to help, I had finished the job.

I had lived in Taipei for twenty years by the time I moved to Keelung.

(1) by亦可直接加時間片語
例:By 1997, the people had wished for the Channel Tunnel for two centuries.

By tomorrow morning, we will have worked for two days without any rest.

(2) 此句型旨在比較時間的先後,by the time子句裡的動詞亦可用簡單現在式,而主要子句裡尚未發生或未完成的動詞,用未來式或未來完成式。

例:By the time the typhoon comes, we will get everything prepared.
        By the time it rains, we will have been thirsty to death.
9. Today, trains travel through the tunnel at 160 kilometers an hour, and it’s possible to get from one end to the other in just twenty minutes! (見第25行)

(1) travel意指「行進;移動」
例:Two of the tunnels are for trains to travel. 有兩條隧道是給火車行進的。
       Bad news travels fast. (俗諺:)壞事傳千里。

(2) 即at the speed of 160 kilometers per hour;at +速度,例:at full speed(以全速)

(3) 即get from one end of the tunnel to the other end of the tunnel 亦可作travel through the tunnel

(4) in +時間片語,意指「在……之前;不超過……」。
例:I’ll arrive in one hour.  我會在一個小時之內到達。

B2L6 Toon Time (卡通時間 )


1. Animated movies are often big hits. (見第1行)
Don’t wake that sleeping baby.(單一個現在分詞的字,前位修飾) 不要把睡著的嬰孩弄醒。
I threw away the broken glass.(單一個過去分詞的字,前位修飾) 我把破掉的玻璃杯丟掉 。

My uncle living in Taichung is a doctor.(兩個字以上的現在分詞片語,後位修飾) 我有一位住在台中的叔叔是醫生。
Father bought a car made in Japan.(兩個字以上的過去分詞片語,後位修飾) 爸爸買了一輛日本製造的車。

2. In 2001, animated movies made more than US$755 million. (見第3行)
(1) make在此為「賺(錢)」的意思。
例:I make thirty thousand dollars per month. 我每個月賺三萬元。
(2) more than:超過 例:I have studied for more than four hours. 我已唸書超過四個小時了。
(3) US$755 million 唸作 seven hundred and fifty-five million U.S. dollars

3. In 2002, for the first time, an Oscar was given to the best animated movie of the year. (見第4行)
give在此意思為「把(獎賞)授與(某人)」 之意,為授與動詞。
 但因為大家都知道Oscar是由the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences所頒,可把它省略,所以變成 。

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences gave an Oscar to the best animated movie of the year.
An Oscar was given to the best animated movie of the year by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
The best animated movie of the year was given an Oscar by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

4. More than 750 artists drew the pictures that were used to make it. (見第8行)
(1) “that were used to make it”是形容詞子句,修飾先行詞pictures。
(2) be used to 原形V:(某物)被用來……
例:This knife is used to cut bread. 這把刀是用來切麵包的。

【補充】 used to 原形V (過去習慣) vs. be/get used to V-ing  (現在漸漸習慣)
例:I used to get up early when I was a student.   當我(過去)還是學生時,我一向早起。   
       I am used to getting up early now.   我現在已漸漸習慣早起。

5. Now animated movies are made with computers. (見第9行)
例:You can open the door with this key. 你可以用這把鑰匙把門打開。

6. This method is a lot cheaper. (見第10行)
修飾形容詞或副詞原級的字:very、quite、so、pretty、rather、a little、too、enough。
修飾形容詞或副詞比較級的字:a lot、much、far、a little、rather、somewhat、still、even。

例:I felt very tired. 我覺得很疲倦。
       It was quite cold yesterday; it is even colder today. 昨天相當冷,今天甚至更冷。

【補充】 除 enough放在所要修飾字的後面外,其餘均放在前面。
例:Linda is old enough to get married.   琳達年紀大到可以結婚了。

7. That is why more animated movies are being made now. (見第11行)
(1) That is why S + V .... 那就是……的原因
例﹕The train delayed this morning. That is why I was late.  火車今天早上誤點,那就是為什麼我遲到的原因。
Birds have wings. That is why they can fly. 鳥有翅膀,那就是為什麼牠們能夠飛的原因。

(2) are being made為現在進行式的被動型態。
The walls are being painted by Kevin.   牆壁正由凱文在粉刷中。   
The letter is being typed by the secretary now.   那封信現在正由秘書在繕打中。

文中省略了「by + 動作的發起者」。一般而言,在被動語態中,若是不知誰是動作的發起者或是其在句中不重要,就不會被提起。
例:The book had been stolen (by someone).   這本書被(某人)偷了。   
       This car was not made in Taiwan.   這輛車不是台灣製的。

8. The same people who made Toy Story also made A Bug’s Life (1998) and Monsters, Inc. (2001). (見第14行)
who made Toy Story是形容詞子句用來修飾先行詞the same people。
【補充】 有些文法書會說若先行詞前有the same時,關係代名詞要用that,但其實在英文語法裡並無如此規定。

9. To make a great animated movie, good animation is necessary. (見第17行)
(1)To V ..., S + V .... 為了要……
例:To finish the project in time, the engineers worked day and night. 為了要及時把計畫完成,工程師日以繼夜地工作。

例:To lose some weight, Jean goes to the gym every day. 為了減肥,珍每天都上健身房。
        To win the gold medal, every player practices very hard. 為了贏得金牌,每位球員都很努力練習。

To V是用來表達目的,意思是「為了要……」(= In order to V),亦可把to V放在子句S+V的後面。

10. But so is a good story. (見第18行) = But a good story is necessary, too.
So + be/aux. + S. ……也是
例:I like flowers. So does Mary.  我喜歡花,瑪莉也是。
        Bob was absent yesterday. So was his sister. 鮑伯昨天缺席,他的妹妹也是。
        Karen has been to France. So have I.  凱倫去過法國,我也是。


 【補充】 若接在否定句之後,則句型為:Nor/Neither + be/aux. + S.(……也不)。
例:Tom doesn’t smoke. Nor do I. 湯姆不抽煙,我也不抽。
        Maria will not come. Neither will Linda. 瑪莉亞不會來,琳達也不會來。

11. It also had famous actors doing the voices of all the characters. (見第19行)
do someone’s voice 裝成某人的聲音,配音
例:Can you do a woman’s voice, Jack?   傑克,你可以裝成女人的聲音嗎?

doing the voices of all the characters是從形容詞子句who did the voices of all the characters簡化而來,此即課文重點分析第1點所說的後位修飾之分詞片語。

(1) 去掉作主格用的關係代名詞。
(2) 將關係子句中的動詞改為分詞。 主動:V-ing {被動:p.p.(也就是直接把be 動詞去掉) 例:Do you know the man who lives next door?   →Do you know the man living next door?   
      They have a lovely daughter who is called Selina. →They have a lovely daughter called Selina.   

12. Computer animation is getting better all the time, so animated movies should keep getting better too!(見第26行)
 (1) 現在進行式可以用來談論「發展中或正在改變的情況」,即使是長期的情況也可以。
be getting +形容詞比較級  ……變得比較……
例:It is getting hotter. 天氣變得愈來愈熱。
I am worrying that I am getting fatter. 我很擔心愈來愈胖。

(2) so為對等連接詞,用來表示結果,意思為「所以,因此」。
(3) keep + V-ing 繼續…… 例:The little child kept crying. 那個小孩一直在哭。