
2009年12月24日 星期四

2009年12月22日 星期二

L8 Sky Lantern Festival


1. 認識元宵節施放天燈的習俗由來。
2. 認識台灣重要假日與節慶名稱。
3. 認識節慶活動與動詞的搭配用法。


1. People in Pinghsi, in the north of Taiwan, have a very special way of celebrating the Lantern Festival

說明:in the north of Taiwan可視為「關係子句」(which is in the north of Taiwan)減化後的結果,主要用來補充說明Pinghsi位於台灣北部。

Kaohsiung, in the south of Taiwan, is famous for its Love River.

2. Instead of hanging small lanterns at home or at the temple,…

(1) Instead of N/V-ing, S + V + …

例:Instead of studying, they went to a party.

(2) instead(取代地)單獨使用時,是一個「副詞」。

例:He wanted to make rubber, but instead he found a way to make chewing gum.

例:I don't like this red bag. Give me the blue one instead.

3. …it was now safe to return home.

(1) It was now safe to return home.句中的主詞it,是一個「虛主詞」,表示it雖放在句首,但不是真正主詞,只是用來引介(introduce)後面真正的主詞。在此句中,出現在後面的不定詞結構(infinitive structure)的to return home,就是所謂的「真主詞」。

【補充】It is…that + 子句,也是經常在文章中出現用it當虛主詞的句型。

例:It is a miracle that Bob survived the car accident.

4. … even as the festival becomes more popular every year,…

(1) “as”可以做副詞、介詞、或連接詞使用。此句的as是連接詞(conjunction),意思接近”when”或”while”。

(2) even(甚至)是副詞,常置於令人意外的字詞前面(如:動詞、名詞、比較級、介詞片語等),以為加強語氣。even as(正當…的時候;就在…時候)是「附屬連接詞」(subordinating conjunction),引導附屬子句,並使其與主要子句建立關係。

例:However, even as we look to the past, we should also look to the future.

5. …, this idea has not been lost.

此句使用「被動語態」(Passive Voice)句型中「現在完成式」的被動句型。
即 S + have/has + been + p.p.

例:The house has been sold to the Wangs already.

6. If you have a chance, you can go to Pinghsi yourself to experience the beauty…

(1) 句中的if是「從屬連接詞」(subordinating conjunction),用來引介一個「副詞子句」(adverbial clause),做為後面主要句發生在未來時的條件。因此,if所引導的「副詞子句」,也稱為「條件子句」(conditional clause),此句的時態通常是現在式。

(2) 「副詞子句」若置於句首,常用「逗點」(comma)把它與後面主要句分開,即 If S + V + …, S + V + …

例:If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we will be able to hold the activity outside.

例:If you are unable to lend me the money, I will go ask someone else for it.

例:You will get into big trouble if you don’t tell the truth.

7. …you can go to Pinghsi yourself to experience the beauty.


例:The little boy made these cute lanterns himself.

例:Maria will take a bus to the book exhibition herself.

【補充】 oneself「反身代名詞」,指某人自己,強調用。

例:Help yourself to the food and drinks.

第一人稱 myself / ourselves

第二人稱 yourself / yourselves

第三人稱 himself, herself, itself / themselves

2009年12月5日 星期六

All I Have to Do Is Dream

句型:All (that) S +V... is + V

All I Have To Do Is Dream The Everly Brothers 我只能做夢 艾佛利兄弟

Dream, dream, dream, dream, dream, 做夢、做夢、做夢、做夢、做夢
Dream, dream, dream, when I want you in my arms 當我想把你抱在懷裡的時候後我就做夢
When I want you and all your charms 當我想要你和你所有的風情萬種
Whenever I want you 每當我需要你的時候
All I have to do is dream 我唯一能做的就是做夢

Dream, dream, dream, when I feel blue in the night 當我夜裡感覺沮喪的時候,我就做夢
And I need you to hold me tight 還有我需要你抱緊我的時候
Whenever I want you 每當我需要你的時候
All I have to do is dream 我唯一能做的就是做夢

*I can make you mine 我可以擁有你
Taste your lips of wine 品嚐你醇酒般的唇
any time, night or day 任何時候都可以,不管白天還是夜晚
Only trouble is, gee whiz 唯一的問題就是,哎呀
I'm dreaming my life away 我做夢都把生命給夢光了
I need you so that I could die 我這麼樣地需要你,我快活下下去了
I love you so and that is why 我是這麼樣地愛你,而那就是為什麼
Whenever I want you 每當我需要你的時候

All I have to do is dream 我只有做夢

Math Test


1.  so (adj/adv) that S +V  如此…以至於 
例:They partied so heartily that they slept all day Sunday.
 The customer bought so many products that the store owner was very happy.

 Johnny spent so much money on video games that he didn't have any left for the rest of the month.

2. Instead of ..., S + V  做某件事…,而不去做(取代…)…
例:Grace went shopping instead of jogging.

Instead of working, Jackie fools around all day.

3. not….until…  直到… 才

例:Kenny didn’t receive Judy’s phone call until five o’clock.
 People do not realize the importance of health until they lose it.
 The student did not tell the truth until he was punished.

4. the reason why + S + V (理由或原因的子句)
例:That is the reason why I was late.

5. a flat tire
A. Adj.
 a flat tire漏氣輪胎
 a flat voice 單調的語氣
 go flat 漏氣;爆胎
B. n.
    a flat = an apartment 一棟套房;公寓
a flat = a flat tire漏氣輪胎
 flats = a pair of women’s shoes with very low heels 低跟的鞋子
C. Adv.
 fall flat 突然跌倒;完全失敗
 lie flat 平臥
 flat out 用全速;竭盡全力

6. It takes + 時間+ to V…          花了…做…
例:It takes an hour to drive from Taipei to Hsinchu.

7.「間接問句 」= wh- S + V (此時須注意主詞及動詞放置的順序,不同於一般的直接問句)
例:Do you know when Mary will come ?

 Can you tell me where he lives ?
 Everybody knew what he was talking about.