
2009年12月24日 星期四

2009年12月22日 星期二

L8 Sky Lantern Festival


1. 認識元宵節施放天燈的習俗由來。
2. 認識台灣重要假日與節慶名稱。
3. 認識節慶活動與動詞的搭配用法。


1. People in Pinghsi, in the north of Taiwan, have a very special way of celebrating the Lantern Festival

說明:in the north of Taiwan可視為「關係子句」(which is in the north of Taiwan)減化後的結果,主要用來補充說明Pinghsi位於台灣北部。

Kaohsiung, in the south of Taiwan, is famous for its Love River.

2. Instead of hanging small lanterns at home or at the temple,…

(1) Instead of N/V-ing, S + V + …

例:Instead of studying, they went to a party.

(2) instead(取代地)單獨使用時,是一個「副詞」。

例:He wanted to make rubber, but instead he found a way to make chewing gum.

例:I don't like this red bag. Give me the blue one instead.

3. …it was now safe to return home.

(1) It was now safe to return home.句中的主詞it,是一個「虛主詞」,表示it雖放在句首,但不是真正主詞,只是用來引介(introduce)後面真正的主詞。在此句中,出現在後面的不定詞結構(infinitive structure)的to return home,就是所謂的「真主詞」。

【補充】It is…that + 子句,也是經常在文章中出現用it當虛主詞的句型。

例:It is a miracle that Bob survived the car accident.

4. … even as the festival becomes more popular every year,…

(1) “as”可以做副詞、介詞、或連接詞使用。此句的as是連接詞(conjunction),意思接近”when”或”while”。

(2) even(甚至)是副詞,常置於令人意外的字詞前面(如:動詞、名詞、比較級、介詞片語等),以為加強語氣。even as(正當…的時候;就在…時候)是「附屬連接詞」(subordinating conjunction),引導附屬子句,並使其與主要子句建立關係。

例:However, even as we look to the past, we should also look to the future.

5. …, this idea has not been lost.

此句使用「被動語態」(Passive Voice)句型中「現在完成式」的被動句型。
即 S + have/has + been + p.p.

例:The house has been sold to the Wangs already.

6. If you have a chance, you can go to Pinghsi yourself to experience the beauty…

(1) 句中的if是「從屬連接詞」(subordinating conjunction),用來引介一個「副詞子句」(adverbial clause),做為後面主要句發生在未來時的條件。因此,if所引導的「副詞子句」,也稱為「條件子句」(conditional clause),此句的時態通常是現在式。

(2) 「副詞子句」若置於句首,常用「逗點」(comma)把它與後面主要句分開,即 If S + V + …, S + V + …

例:If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we will be able to hold the activity outside.

例:If you are unable to lend me the money, I will go ask someone else for it.

例:You will get into big trouble if you don’t tell the truth.

7. …you can go to Pinghsi yourself to experience the beauty.


例:The little boy made these cute lanterns himself.

例:Maria will take a bus to the book exhibition herself.

【補充】 oneself「反身代名詞」,指某人自己,強調用。

例:Help yourself to the food and drinks.

第一人稱 myself / ourselves

第二人稱 yourself / yourselves

第三人稱 himself, herself, itself / themselves

2009年12月5日 星期六

All I Have to Do Is Dream

句型:All (that) S +V... is + V

All I Have To Do Is Dream The Everly Brothers 我只能做夢 艾佛利兄弟

Dream, dream, dream, dream, dream, 做夢、做夢、做夢、做夢、做夢
Dream, dream, dream, when I want you in my arms 當我想把你抱在懷裡的時候後我就做夢
When I want you and all your charms 當我想要你和你所有的風情萬種
Whenever I want you 每當我需要你的時候
All I have to do is dream 我唯一能做的就是做夢

Dream, dream, dream, when I feel blue in the night 當我夜裡感覺沮喪的時候,我就做夢
And I need you to hold me tight 還有我需要你抱緊我的時候
Whenever I want you 每當我需要你的時候
All I have to do is dream 我唯一能做的就是做夢

*I can make you mine 我可以擁有你
Taste your lips of wine 品嚐你醇酒般的唇
any time, night or day 任何時候都可以,不管白天還是夜晚
Only trouble is, gee whiz 唯一的問題就是,哎呀
I'm dreaming my life away 我做夢都把生命給夢光了
I need you so that I could die 我這麼樣地需要你,我快活下下去了
I love you so and that is why 我是這麼樣地愛你,而那就是為什麼
Whenever I want you 每當我需要你的時候

All I have to do is dream 我只有做夢

Math Test


1.  so (adj/adv) that S +V  如此…以至於 
例:They partied so heartily that they slept all day Sunday.
 The customer bought so many products that the store owner was very happy.

 Johnny spent so much money on video games that he didn't have any left for the rest of the month.

2. Instead of ..., S + V  做某件事…,而不去做(取代…)…
例:Grace went shopping instead of jogging.

Instead of working, Jackie fools around all day.

3. not….until…  直到… 才

例:Kenny didn’t receive Judy’s phone call until five o’clock.
 People do not realize the importance of health until they lose it.
 The student did not tell the truth until he was punished.

4. the reason why + S + V (理由或原因的子句)
例:That is the reason why I was late.

5. a flat tire
A. Adj.
 a flat tire漏氣輪胎
 a flat voice 單調的語氣
 go flat 漏氣;爆胎
B. n.
    a flat = an apartment 一棟套房;公寓
a flat = a flat tire漏氣輪胎
 flats = a pair of women’s shoes with very low heels 低跟的鞋子
C. Adv.
 fall flat 突然跌倒;完全失敗
 lie flat 平臥
 flat out 用全速;竭盡全力

6. It takes + 時間+ to V…          花了…做…
例:It takes an hour to drive from Taipei to Hsinchu.

7.「間接問句 」= wh- S + V (此時須注意主詞及動詞放置的順序,不同於一般的直接問句)
例:Do you know when Mary will come ?

 Can you tell me where he lives ?
 Everybody knew what he was talking about.

2009年11月10日 星期二

L6 Net Buy

II. 課文重點分析

1. For the past nine years, I’ve been looking for one specific CD.
(1) I’ve been looking,表示作者一直在尋找,沒有間斷。
(2) have/has been Ving,這為現在完成進行式,用來表示動作的持續進行。

例:Edward has been studying computer science.

2. And each time I’ve left thinking that it’s probably no longer available.
(1) 原句為And each time I’ve left, I thought that it’s probably no longer available.
(2) 本句是表示兩個不同的動作,在同一時間發生。用分詞構句表示,leave和think兩個動作同時進行。
例:He walked away smiling at me.

3. I compared prices, and, with just a few clicks, I had ordered the CD.
(1) with just a few clicks,意思為帶著幾聲的卡答聲,文法上為一個插入語。
(2) with…,表示有附帶狀況的補語,用來補充主要子句。此句表示作者比價的時候,順便點幾下滑鼠,便輕鬆的訂購到這片CD,由此可見網路購物的容易。

4. By now, I know how safe and how convenient Internet shopping is.
(1) by now,指的是「到現在為止」。
(2) 這裡的how,意為「多麼」,修飾其後的形容詞safe 和 convenient,意為多麼的安全和方便。

5. And CDs and books aren’t the only things to be found online.
(1) to be found online,本來為that are to be found online,是一形容詞片語。本句指的是,能在網路上找到的東西,並不是只有CD和書本,還有其它的東西。

6. It’s of course also convenient to do all your shopping from your desk!
(1)這裡的it,指的是之後的不定詞片語,to do all your shopping from your desk.

7. What’s more, you can save lots of money by comparing prices on different sites.
(1)What’s more,更甚而。之後接的事情,比之前提到更重要的事。

8. I admit, Internet shopping has its drawbacks.

9. For now, many companies only ship to U.S. addresses.
(1)For now,到目前為止,此處的逗號,亦非斷句,是用來強調後面的事。。

10. Also, the money you save is sometimes lost on shipping and handling fees.
(1)這裡的you save,是一個形容詞子句,前面省了that 或which,修飾之前的名詞,the money。
(2)also 之後的逗號,亦非斷句,是用來張顯省下的錢會浪費在運費和處理費。

11. For some of us, the Internet may make shopping too easy.
For some of us, 此處的逗號,則是單純的斷句,並非用來突顯後面的事。

2009年10月21日 星期三

Assignment for This Week

1. Study the vocabulary words of lesson 5
2. Have a quiz on Monday

2009年10月20日 星期二

L5 Communicating with Signs


1. 觀察及認識日常生活中常見的標示。
2. 學會並靈活運用本課單字、片語。
3. 學會用while及All you need to do is… 的句型。
4. 藉由標示學會看懂、並且能夠口說簡易的日常生活英語。


1. As you drive or walk along the streets in almost any city, you can't help but notice that there are signs everywhere: store signs, street signs, traffic signs.

(1)  Tim cried as he spoke. (Tim cried and spoke at the same time.)
(2) As he talked, we all looked at the big pimple on his nose. (He talked and we all looked at the big pimple on his nose at the same time.)

比較:以上句子也可以用while,即 I cried while I spoke.

(1) When he got home, he took a hot bath.(先到家再洗澡,不可能同時到家兼洗澡。)
(2) They got married when (while) they were living in Kaohsiung.

總之,兩個動作同時發生用as。若一個動作先發生,或持續的狀態較久,則用when。而while則可以是as,也可以是when;關於while的用法,詳見本課Grammar Focus。

2. While many of these signs communicate with words, there are many others that rely entirely on symbols.
(1) 連接詞while可用來連接兩個子句,在此強調兩件事的差異。
(a) While I like staying home, my husband likes traveling.
(b) The afternoon tea set costs $120, while the refill is free.
(2) 此處之others 為代名詞,指other signs。

3. Anyone from any country, speaking any language, can understand them quickly and easily.
原為形容詞子句who speaks any language修飾先行詞anyone。
Many signs that use symbols to communicate can convey a message quickly.
= Many signs using symbols to communicate can convey a message quickly.

4. That is why they are called international signs.
wh-疑問詞可帶出名詞子句。此處why they are called international signs是一名詞子句,用來作主詞補語。
(1) That is why he was late.
(2) Spring is when the birds fly back to the north.

5. International signs have become more important around the world as more and more people are traveling from country to country.
(1) As it was getting dark, they decided to stop traveling.
(2) You should learn to be independent as you are grown up.

6. On the highway, if you’re looking for a gas station or a phone, all you need to do is watch for the (… ) or (….) signs.

此處之all為強調用法,即the only thing,用後面的形容詞子句you need to do修飾。主詞all you need to do (= the only thing you need to do)為單數主詞,故動詞用單數動詞;be V. 之後可加不定詞或名詞做主詞補語。
(1) All you need to do is (to) go home and have a good sleep.
(2) All she wants is (to) take a hot bath.

7. In some places, you may even need to watch for signs that warn of deer or cattle wandering onto the road.
(1) 介係詞of 表示「……的存在」。warn of 即「提醒……的存在」。
(a) His speech warned of the terrorists around us.
(b) He warned me of the danger of joining the race.

(2) 原為形容詞子句which wander into the road修飾先行詞deer or cattle。詳見課文重點分析3。

8. Therefore, in order to understand signs, we need to know words as well as symbols.
(1) 副詞therefore「因此」為一轉折語(transitional word),可承接上下文之因果關係,使文章較有連貫。例:
Not all of the signs use symbols to communicate; therefore, learning languages is also important.
“I think; therefore, I am.” 我思故我在。(笛卡爾之名言)


(2) in order to + 原形V. 可表示目的「為了……」in order to understand signs亦可放在句首或句末。即
(a) In order to understand signs, we need to know symbols as well as symbols.
(b) We need to know symbols as well as symbols in order to understand signs.

2009年10月19日 星期一

Chewing Gum


1. S + 形容詞子句 + V……
【範例】The girl who is wearing sunglasses is Peter’s girlfriend.
He is the person whom I’d like to talk with.
I’m going to visit a friend whose father is a movie star.
I want to buy a book which/that has many pictures in it.
Can I borrow the book which/that you bought last week?
A book whose pages are torn is worth less money.
【Your Turn】
Is this the boy you are waiting ?
Do you have a girlfriend is Lily?

2. It takes (人) 時間 to V…… 做某事花了某人多少時間
【說明】It costs (人) 金錢 to V…. 做某事花了某人多少金錢
【範例】It took me half an hour to walk here.
It will cost you two months’ salary to take this trip.
【Your Turn】
will us three years to finish this project.

3. take (A) off (B) 將(A)從(B)處移開;脫下(帽子、衣服等)
【說明】take off (飛機等)起飛;出門;離去
【範例】Take your hands off me.
Please take your hat off in the classroom.
When will your plane take off?
The thief took off immediately when we opened the door.
【Your Turn】
Would you please your sunglasses?

4. S + have/has + p.p. + for 一段時間 …做…有一段時間了
【範例】We have lived here for five years.
【Your Turn】
 I the man three years.

5. a piece of 一片,一張,一塊等
【說明】a piece of cake很容易做的事,小事一樁。
a piece of 可以用來作為許多不可數名詞的計算單位:
a piece of furniture一件家俱
a piece of advice一則建議
a piece of clothing一件衣服
【範例】Could you give me a piece of paper?
I purchase a piece of furniture yesterday.
【Your Turn】
Let’s fold a of into the shape of a gun.

6. Instead + S + V…. 代替;不…..而….
Instead of + N/V-ing,…….
【範例】I don’t think your boyfriend will marry you. I think he is going to marry Linda instead.
Instead of buying a big house, they bought a small cottage.
【Your Turn】
 If you don’t want to go, can I go ?
  going to the movie, we went to the concert.
7. N + 分詞(-ing與-p.p.)片語(由形容詞子句簡化而成)
【範例】Do you know the tall, thin boy sitting under the tree?
    The function will delete all e-mails stored in your computer.
【Your Turn】
 He sent pieces of gum to everyone in the U.S. phone book.


8. at one time 曾有一度,往昔
【說明】at the same time 同時
【範例】At one time, Melody didn’t like me. But now we are good friends.
Cathy always laugh and cry at the same time.
【Your Turn】
we were all animals.

9. clean up 把….清理乾淨,整理
【範例】Please clean up your room before lunch.
【Your Turn】
Students are going to the classroom tomorrow.

2009年10月15日 星期四

The Result of the First Midterm Exam

Dear all,

In high school, you have to make it rule to learn independently. Without your involvement in learning, it is impossible to get high score. Please figure out the difficulty and bring your questions to class.
The following is the result of the first midterm exam.

2009年9月30日 星期三

Assignments for This Week

1. Student Book (習作L3)
2. Story-telling (說故事:第一課、第三課或其他的故事;演出有加分)

說故事要訣 (人事地時)

First, read stories and be familiar with one story at least.

Second, know your characters.

Three, know the place, the time, the plot of the story.

Fourth, emphasize the interesting part of your story.

Fifhh, use the third-person (“he” or “she”) --you are a narrator.
Sixth, tell your story to others.

Rewards (越來越優了! 加油!不要輕言放棄!)

Dear all,

The following are the models that we have to follow. The ones who did not do well on the test must work hard and deal with your difficulty.                                                                                     



2009年9月23日 星期三

The First Formal English Test at High School

Dear all,

Without vocabulary, it is impossible for you to learn a second language. So, try hard on it. I believe you can do it better next time.

The following are the wonderful works for you. Let's give them a big hand and enjoy reading them!

Class 101 (參考答案)

Class 102 (參考答案)

2009年9月20日 星期日


1. 考Lesson 1 vocabulary
2. Story-telling (練習說L1或L3的故事)

2009年9月13日 星期日


1. LiveABC 題庫測驗
2. 因課程時間較短, 請先背完第一課字彙

2009年9月10日 星期四

Why We Should Learn A Second Language

Source: Youtube

2009年9月6日 星期日


1. Do grouping (分8組): check vocabulary (一組一課,上課前抄給全班;包括音標及意思)

2. Well understand Phonics or KK: dictation (熟悉發音,聽寫用)

3. Do a LiveABC GEPT exercise:
route (路境): 士商網頁-->學習資源-->校內學習資源-->LiveABC英檢網
code: your register number
password: your register number

4. Try to acquire as many vocabulary words as you can (擴充你的字彙量):
source 1: Spelling Bee (字彙擂台賽)
Source 2: GEPT official website
Source 3: 遠東高中職教學網
Source 4: 三民高中職教學網
Source 5: 龍騰高中職教學網

5. Novel reading (IWiLL高中職小說網)

2009年8月6日 星期四

Syllabus of English Reading

Fall, 2009

Instructor: Yuying Chris Chang
Phone: 2831-3114 ex 807 (office)
Email: yuying@slhs.tp.edu.tw
Course blogs: http://slhs1012.blogspot.com/

Philosophy: I cannot do everything, but I can do something. I won’t refuse doing something that I can do.

1.喜歡英語 To love learning English
2.能使用日常英語:說、寫能力To read and use English in daily life

指定用書Teaching Materials
1.Live ABC雜誌
2.遠東英語第一冊Far East English Readers, B1
3.講義 Handouts


1. 期中、期末考Exams 60%
2. 平時評量 40%
(1)出席、參與率Class attendance and participation
(2)作業 Assignments & 網路作業 Online assignments
(3)測驗 Quizzes
(4)問答及口說 Questions&Answers, small talk

★ To students:
The more you put your hands on the textbooks, the more you will love to learn. The more you love to learn, the better you will perform.

Dates 主題/活動 Topics/Activities
1. KK phonetics
2. Self-introduction
3. An Introduction to this course
W2 • L1: Learning a Second Language
W3 • L2: Albert Einstein
• Online assignment: introducing a great person (learning sheet)
W4 • L3: The Dog and the Rabbit
W5 • Online assignment: telling a story (video-taping)
W6 • Questions and Answers
W7 學校第一次段考 (October 14-15: 第1次期中考試)
W8 • L4: Chewing Gum
W9 • L5: Communicating with Signs
W10 • L6: Net Buy
W11 • Review
W12 • Online assignment: a story behind a product (learning sheet)
W13 • Small talk
W14 第二次段考 (December 8-10: 第2次期中考試)
W15 • L7: Math Test
W16 • L8: Sky Lantern Festival
W17 • Online assignment: a festival (learning sheet)
W18 • Small talk (December 17: 高一、二、三第2次英文學業競試)
W19 • Review
W20 Final Exam (January 15,18,19: 期末考)